Project SUCCESS youth are 37% less likely to use substances than youth who aren’t in the program.

Project SUCCESS (Schools Using Coordinated Community Efforts to Strengthen Students) is an in-school, evidence-based program designed to prevent and reduce substance abuse and other related high-risk behaviors among teens. The program service helps prevent substance abuse and high-risk behavior among teens by empowering them with the information and skills needed to recognize potentially dangerous situations and exercise sound judgment.


Peer acceptance is of great importance during early adolescence. Hence, CHD’s Project SUCCESS program service uses group support to help teens develop successful coping skills and understand the negative effects of alcohol and other drug abuse. Project SUCCESS is facilitated by program coordinators in ten middle schools throughout Contra Costa County, as well as Juvenile Hall and the Boys’ Ranch. Each specialist is on-site for two full days each week, becoming an integral part of the school community.

 The program comprises

  • 6- to 8-week individual prevention assessment (using the evidence-based Brief Intervention Program)
  • 8- to 12-week prevention education groups
  • Students are referred to Project SUCCESS by teachers, administrators and themselves

Project SUCCESS receives funding from Alcohol and Other Drug Services, Behavioral Division of Contra Costa County Health Services.

For more information, please contact Marlena Christensen at (925) 349-7349 or
