Lifelong Resilience


  • A community based, prevention focused support program for LGBTQ+ youth, and their straight allies, ages 12-20 in East Contra Costa County.
  • Groups that offer youth social-emotional support and psycho-social education related to LGBTQ+ identity, family and relationships, health and wellness, skills development, and community engagement.
  • Provide individual assessments, check-ins, and referrals to additional culturally appropriate support service, as needs are identified.
  • LGBTQ+ youth can be themselves, get social support, build self-esteem and develop the resilience to be thriving citizens.
  • Group members also learn leadership and coping skills to help them flourish in their schools and communities.
  • Activities include educational workshops, discussions of current events, and getting involved in efforts to address bullying and discrimination in schools.
  • The program currently offers weekly support groups at our East County Branch Office in Pittsburg, at Deer Valley High School, Pittsburg High School, and Hillview Junior High.


  • Serves middle schools in East, Central, and West Contra Costa County.
  • Youth participate in Prevention Education Groups and Brief Intervention, both utilizing evidence-based curriculums.
  • Prevention Education Groups focus on the following topics:
    • Self-Awareness and Getting Support
    • Teen Brain Development and the Harms of Alcohol and Other drugs (AOD)
    • Conflict Resolution and Substance Abuse in the Family
    • Healthy Coping Skills for Stress and Peer Pressure Refusal Skills
  • Brief Intervention services offered to students experimenting with AOD use, utilizing Motivational Interviewing techniques to encourage decreased use.
  • Through participation in the program youth have shown a greater understanding and a changed attitude towards the harmful consequences of teen substance use.
  • Youth participants show improvement in peer relations, increased interest in school activities and academics, and a decrease in engagement in harmful behaviors. 


A program for middle and high school age youth who identify as LGBTQIA+ and allies. QscOTUs (short for Queer Scouts) is focused on building community, developing friendships, and discovering self, all while in a caring and nurturing environment that allows youth to be themselves and share with others.

  • Safe Space. Ensuring a safe space for all youth to freely self-express in ways that fit their personality, strengths, talents, and interests. Developing a stronger sense of self.
  • Building community and friendships. Promoting collaboration for community change by sharing our thoughts together and finding ways to support and uplift each other. Focusing on connection, care and respect for all.
  • Try new experiences. Discovering and furthering relationships with nature. Learning and experiencing different creative outlets. Exploring the world by encountering different cultures.
  • Learning about queer history. Connecting queer youth with the history of our communities and creating an understanding of what social justice is. Exploring what intersectionality and resilience mean to us.

Contacts & Locations


    • Betty Reid Soskin Middle School
    • DeJean Middle School
    • El Dorado Middle School
    • Helms Middle School
    • Hillview Junior High School
    • Oak Grove Middle School
    • Pinole Middle School
    • Riverview Middle School


    • CHD East County Branch Office
    • Deer Valley High School
    • Hillview Junior High School
    • Pittsburg High School