Building Effective Facilitation Skills
Did you know?
It’s more effective for well-trained parents to teach drug education curricula in kindergarten through grade six, than it is for teachers to do so.*
Communities need various groups of people to be aware and ready to provide solutions, whenever a persistent issue affects a large number of people. This is why Center for Human Development provides expert training to students, teachers, parents, businesses and other community groups, that can help make a difference.
*Not Schools Alone, California Department of Education
How does CHD Build Effective Facilitation Skills?
Center for Human Development has delivered cutting-edge curricula and training programs for over 40 years. Training is the cornerstone of why and how CHD delivers successful programs and services. Interactive workshops for students, teachers, parents, businesses, and community groups are designed to provide the most effective, dynamic, and transforming learning experience possible. Whether the topic is group development skills, conflict mediation, or teaching drug education curricula in the schools, CHD customizes training programs to meet the specific needs of any organization.
There are two services, under which Center for Human Development provides training.
Tribes Group Development and Facilitation

Also called the “Tribes” Method, it’s a process used in all CHD training programs and services. It’s a highly interactive group process model, with activities intentionally designed to build self-esteem, promote responsible behavior and improve academic achievement. This process can be applied to a wide variety of settings including schools, businesses, after-school/recreational programs, and alcohol and other drug abuse prevention programs. The customized workshops provide the most effective, dynamic, and transformative learning experience possible.
- Group Development and Facilitation: Learn interactive and fun activities that help groups of children, youth, and adults feel more comfortable, trusting, and familiar with each other. The training can be age-specific or cross-generational.
- Youth-Adult Partnerships: Learn to improve the effectiveness of youth programs and increase youth involvement. This training allows a space for youth and adults to talk about the ways that adults view young people and strategies that everyone can use to improve relationships.
- “Every 15 Minutes” Student Retreat: To ensure the success of the popular Every 15 Minutes teen drinking and driving program, this student retreat provides a safe space for young people to process their experience. In the Facilitators Training, participants learn effective and easy ways to guide youth through the inclusion stage of group development.
- Environmental Prevention 101: This engaging workshop examines how the environments in which we live influence the prevalence and use of alcohol and other drugs. Participants learn strategies to change the settings that directly and indirectly make alcohol and other drug-use appealing.
Mediation and Conflict Resolution Training
Conflict Resolution Training is a 32-hour training that follows California Dispute Resolution Program Act approved curriculum. Participants learn the structure, design and practice of dispute resolution and its use as a problem-solving technique. Trainees gain skills in problem identification and disagreement management, plus useful strategies to achieve agreement.
Conflict Resolution in the Workplace – Topics for workplace trainings include conflict resolution skills for staff, team building, group process, agreement building, issue identification and prioritization. In the past, these highly interactive training sessions were successfully conducted for city staff, school districts and colleges in the Bay Area.
Upcoming Trainings
There will be an upcoming Tribe’s Training October 11-13th. For more info or to register please visit here.
Tribes Training will begin October 11 through October 13, 2016 at the Pleasant Hill Community Center located at 320 Civic Dr., Pleasant Hill, CA 94523. This innovative training provides the structure to create a supportive learning environment. Attending Tribes Training will provide you with the basics steps to enable your groups you lead to flourish. Cost is $350; Special nonprofit rate: $300 per person for two or more people from the same agency. Register here.
The CHD Difference
“The environment felt safe and comfortable from the beginning, I particularly enjoyed the highly interactive nature.”
“I learned a lot about myself and others. I came to understand that one’s actions/words cannot be understood only by how I perceive them.”
“The Parent Educator Program made me a better person, parent, spouse and volunteer…”
“This training can be used in everyday life as well as at work.”
Thank You
All individuals whose donations help Center for Human Development run the training programs. Training Center is also funded by fees, which are affordable and vary based on the type and length of training, and the number of participants. Find out how you can support and contribute to CHD services.
For queries regarding the training services, please reach out to any of the following.
Tribes Training
Jaime Rich, Training Center Director
(925) 349-7338
Conflict Mediation Training
Lark Curtin, CRP Case Coordinator
(925) 349-7344