Guardianship Mediation Program
“Mediation is hard work. We talked about things we should have talked about before. It was amazing that after we all apologized, we worked out a visitation schedule for Katy. I didn’t think we could do this.” – A parent in a child guardianship case after receiving mediation services.
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CHD’s experienced volunteer mediators provide an impartial and safe environment for families and guardians to make difficult decisions about children in their lives. Struggling with guardianship decisions, visitation schedules, or child care issues, common ground can often be reached in mediation. Instead of the more formal courtroom environment, individuals will have an opportunity to discuss the situation in a safe, supportive and informal setting.
All proper, contested cases in the County are referred from Probate Department of the Superior Court to the Guardianship Mediation Program. With the help of trained mediators challenging issues are discussed. We encourage everyone to be a full participant in the process. The goal is to create a solution that is fair and realistic for everyone.
This program is supported in part by funding from the Dispute Resolution Act (DRPA). There is no cost to individuals. For more information please contact Steven Cross at (925) 349-7344 or
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